Rockets Workshop for Kids - 2nd of November - English Medium (Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm)

Category : Astro-Space Workshop for Kids
Rs. 5,000.00
12 more available

It's all about space technology!

Suitable for beginners /children from 5 years old to 11 years old

Maximum 35 students

Date: 02.11.2024

Time : 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm


Registration deadline - 31st of October 2024



Children will be able to understand the way how a rocket launch, how satellites work, how landers land on Mars, how space-crafts orbit around planets.

They involve in activities related to theories.

They make simple models of solid fuel rockets, satellites and Mars Landers.

Also they make egg rockets and launch during the workshop.



  • All the materials are provided by the institute.
  • A Space technology book and a certificate will be issued to each student. 



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