Our Academic Courses and Workshops
About Institute of Astronomy

IOAS is the pioneer Astronomical institute in Sri Lanka with professional and amateur astronomers from all over the world, who are active in astronomical research, education, and outreach in astronomy. It is one of the highly recognized astronomical organizations in the south Asian region. The mission of the IOAS is to promote astronomy in all its aspects (including research, communication, education, and development) through national and international cooperation. IOAS was founded in 2018, functioned under S & T Group established in 2002.
It mainly focuses on the advancement of the field of astronomy in terms of both stimulating and disseminating astronomical knowledge among youngsters, on providing the training and resources necessary to use astronomy to stimulate teaching and education from elementary to the high school level, training young astronomers at the university level, and producing the next generation of astronomers. Among the tasks of the IOAS are: promoting educational activities in astronomy; and hosting informal discussions on the possibilities for future international facilities, working to promote astronomical research, education, and public outreach, as well as using astronomy for development.
Courses/ Activities
- Astronomy Certificate courses and workshops
- December
school for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels
- Standard professional night sky observation camps, and Astronomical Workshops
and Training Programmes in schools, teacher training colleges, Universities, and
- “A
holiday with stars” Enthusiastic Stargazing events for guests in hotels and
- “White
Dwarf” Night-time Adventure activities engaged with Astronomy
- School for Astrophotography
Online Courses - 2021
Astronomy Online Short Course
AO 01 - Observational Astronomy
AO 02 - Telescopes
AO 03 - Solar System & Earth Science
AO 04 - Space Exploration
AO 05 - Astrobiology
AO 06 - Stellar Evolution & Blackholes
AO 07 - Big Bang and the fate of the Universe
AO 08 - Extraterrestrial Life
Primary Online Courses
PO 01 - Observational Astronomy
PO 02 - Solar System
PO 03 - Space Exploration
PO 04 - Alien Life & UFOs
PO 05 - Fate of Stars & Blackholes
PO 06 - Big bang and the Universe
Read more about the Institute of Astronomy